Author: jnthowe

In the News, Policy, Research

Submission: Children’s Content Funding Discussion Paper

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NZCST put together a submission in response to the May 2015 NZ on Air Children’s Content Funding Discussion paper. The Content Discussion document is a well-considered overview of the current funding environment for children and the surrounding issues. 1. There is widespread agreement that the speed of change in content delivery is unprecedented and increasing.

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In the News, Policy

Children’s Content Funding Discussion Paper

NZ On Air have released a discussion paper on Children’s Content Funding. Kidsonscreen encourages interested parents and caregivers to look at it and see what possibilities are ahead and to make a submission on what you think the future is for New Zealand children’s screen content. Chair Janette Howe was invited to contribute to the drafting of this

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Apps, Film, Games, Press Release, Research, Television

Tick For Kids Local Content

The New Zealand Children’s Screen Trust is part of the Tick for Kids campaign ( Tick for Kids is working to make sure children are a central focus in the lead up to the 2014 election and into the next parliament with the call, “It takes a child to raise a country!” The NZCST asks

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NZ Out of the Picture

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NZ Out of the Picture in Children’s Television It is lonely representing New Zealand at a festival of international children’s television. Most other countries attending have a number of delegates; most delegates have programmes that are in competition. Bangladesh, Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark and the UK were all represented to name a few.

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Press Release, Television

NZ Youth to Form Prix Jeunesse Jury

20 February 2014 Twenty young New Zealanders will be selected to be on the jury for the television industry’s most prestigious international children’s television festival, Prix Jeunesse. They will be responsible for selecting the winner of the 12-15 Fiction/Non-Fiction category for 2014. This category includes dramas, documentaries and magazine style shows from around the world.

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Press Release, Television

Our Preschool Television Audiences Deserve Better

5 March 2014 The time has come to review the ad-free bands for preschoolers and school-aged children on free-to-air television. The recent survey revealing NZ preschoolers viewing habits from Otago University by Dr Leah Watkins is a wake up call that regulations shaped in the late 1980s do not reflect the current realities of families

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Press Release, Television

Digital Switchover Fails Children

5 December 2013 Children are being failed by the lack of provision for non-commercial television channels after digital switchover. Children have a right to access diverse local media. The failure to provide non-commercial spectrum is selling out children to commercial interests. Television is still an important medium for children according to international studies. “There is

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